Ancient Beast

Open source browser game

An open source browser game where players summon creatures to defeat their opponents.

I fixed a few issues related to the user interface and usability.

Two avatars face off against each other who each has summoned 
																						two creatures
One versus one gameplay example


Time Frame

March to April 2020

Languages and Tools

Phaser, JavaScript, CSS


I wanted to experience what it is like to contribute to an open source project.


Challenge: Fix and Improve Resource Bar

Creatures consume resources to use their abilities. I fixed a JavaScript issue where a creature's resource bar sometimes renders past its bounds.

Resolved Issues and Suggested Improvements

I noticed an opportunity to improve the resource bar while I was fixing the issue. I suggested it to the maintainer who then redesigned the resource bar to communicate more information to the player.

For example, a darker yellow indicates the resources an ability will consume while the lighter yellow indicates the resources that remain after an ability is used.

Resource bar where top half is dark yellow and bottom half is yellow
Redesigned resource bar shows how much resources would be consumed and remain after casting an ability

Modified Pre-existing Code to Implement Redesign

In my first attempt at implementing the redesign, I tried to change as little code as possible to avoid introducing more bugs, but the colours could not quite match the specifications.

After gaining a better understanding of the code, I was eventually able to implement the redesign with the specified colours.

One resource bar with top half is yellow and black stripe pattern while 
																				bottom half is yellow; Another resource bar with top half is black while 
																				bottom half is yellow and black stripe pattern
Final iteration of redesign that communicates more about resource usage


Measuring Success

My contributions to Ancient Beast were successful since I was able to fix all the issues I started working on. I was even rewarded monetarily for my efforts.

What I Learned:

Other Projects

Sort Plus

Spotify companion web app

MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)


Browser extension

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

This Is America Tour

Website redesign

React, JavaScript, CSS